Version 0.3 public release

Version 0.3 is now out of early access and features a bunch of new content.
Saves from version 0.2 are incompatible and will be overwritten on first save.

There's 1 new combat floor, 2 new neutral floors, 6 new enemy types and 13 new cinematics (+ 1 placeholder cinematic for the new neutral floor bath).

The game can now be played using a mouse or with a gamepad and input bindings can be reconfigured in-game.

The player characters belly now scales with the players cum meter. This effect is disabled by default but can be enabled in the settings menu. Cinematics also have a new flycam mode.

I'm aiming for a public release of version 0.4 sometime this summer.
Consider supporting me on to get early access to the next build.

Thank you to everyone that have played the game and a massive thank you to everyone who have donated here on itch.

Full list of additions and changes below:


  • Added hardcore mode to the main menu.
  • Added two new neutral floors.
  • Added a new frozen combat floor.
  • Added a new statue of the slut saint Cun'thulu that replaces the old tentaculation scroll and now grants a summon tentacle spell.
  • Added a new statue of the slut saint Sedusa that gives the player a perk to slow down caloric burn depending on the cum meter.
  • Added the new slut saint statues to the first neutral floor.
  • The player now receives bits (currency) for defeating enemies.
  • Added a new vending machine to both neutral floors for purchasing items using bits.
  • Added a single use hotspring to the second neutral floor that fully heals the player.
  • Cum meter max value will now be increased by 1 for every 5 points the meter drains over time.
  • The old stripping system has been removed in favor of better character customization control.
  • Pathfinding performance has been significantly improved on larger floors.
  • Selecting the player character will now bring up the inventory.
  • The player now loops back to the start of the dungeon when exiting the door on the final floor.
  • The players cum max value does not get reset when looping.
  • Added new flamethrower and aphrodisiac trapped rooms.
  • The spike trap rooms have been removed.
  • The game now supports mouse and gamepad input.
  • Added the ability to click on the minimap to travel to a location.


  • When throwing a weapon, the tile selection marker will now spawn on the nearest enemy.
  • Shock damage will now jump to an additional target. +1 jump for every wet target hit.
  • Frost damage will now randomly freeze targets that have the chilled effect.
  • Enemies now gain mana when landing a hit, at full mana they will cast spells if they have any.
  • Kobolds now have a firebreath spell.
  • Minotaurs now have a headbutt spell.
  • NPCs will now alert nearby allies of enemies in their vision.
  • Fishmen and Kobolds no longer have random weapon enchants.
  • Cardboard equipment now gets destroyed when taking fire damage from any source.


  • Added a new Mimic enemy that can appear on any floor disguised as a chest.
  • Added a new Demon Brute enemy to the frozen floor.
  • Added a new Kraken enemy that appears randomly when the player moves through water on the water floor.
  • Added new Succubus and Femboy Incubus enemies. Both appear on the frozen floor, and are guest visiting the lava and crypt floors.
  • Added a new Pigman trader to the neutral floors. He will give the player bits in exchange for items.
  • Added a new Minotaur blacksmith to the second neutral floor. He enchants equipment in exchange for bits.
  • Added a recruitable Kobold to the first neutral floor. And a recruitable Frank to the second neutral floor.
  • Made improvements to the summoned monster shader.


  • New Wolfman threesome.
  • New Fishman mating press.
  • New Goblin anal.
  • New Slime anal.
  • New Kobold threesome.
  • New Kobold recruitment blowjob.
  • New Mimic riding.
  • New Demon Brute lifting.
  • New Frank recruitment ride.
  • New Kraken lifting.
  • New Pigmen ride.
  • New Femboy Incubus anal.
  • New Succubus cunnilingus.
  • The game over cinematic is now skippable.
  • Added keybindings (v and b) for toggling breast/vagina exposure during cinematics.
  • Added freecam mode to cinematics, press the middle mouse button or the right gamepad stick to enable.
  • Added belly scaling support to all cinematics.

Character Customization:

  • Reworked outfit system with more customization options.
  • Added a new alpine outfit.
  • Added more pubic hair options.
  • Added more hair colors.
  • Fixed the missing specular highlights on hair.


  • New Ring of Charm.
  • New Ally soul item for resurrecting fallen allies.
  • New Wand of Force that creates an aoe knockback outwards from the target.
  • New Wand of Shock that jumps straight to the target before chaining to others.
  • New Wand of Ice that shoots a ray of ice towards the target.
  • Fire wand now affects a 3x3 area.
  • Wands are now unique and can only drop once, but can be recharged using a new mana battery item.
  • Actually remembered to add the ring of strength and tome of detection to the loot pool (whoopsies).
  • Ring of Calories buffed from 10 to 20 calories per itemlevel.
  • Ring of regeneration buffed from 2 health to 3 per itemlevel.
  • Summoning tome now clones a random enemy from floor. Itemlevels change which floor that gets sampled.
  • Overall loot amount has been increased.
  • The first floor should now guarantee an offensive item.
  • Locked vaults now have a narrower loot pool.
  • Scrolls of Tentaculation have been removed in favor of the new slut saint statue.
  • Scrolls of Sewing have been removed.
  • Most tomes will now also affect allies when blessed, and enemies when cursed.
  • Wand of empowerment now has a duration of 200, the effect still stacks and duration is reset when reapplied.


  • Some menus now remember index from last time it was open.
  • Added a new spellbook menu accessed by pressing left or right while in the inventory menu.
  • Added new input mapping options to the settings menu.
  • Added summoned option to the memory menu.
  • Added new hidden main menu options. Accessed by pressing f3 while on the main menu.
  • Translation templates are now generated from the hidden menu.
  • Also added the ability to generate translation update patches from hidden menu.
  • Added the ability to reload translations while in-game from hidden menu.
  • The camera can now be rotated while in inventory and customization menus.
  • Added a new inspection menu for interacting with npcs.
  • The minimap logic has been rewritten and causes less hitching on larger floors.
  • The input help screen (f1) has been updated to include gamepad and mouse input categories.


  • Throwing swords and stepping into landing spot no longer softlocks the game.
  • Fixed the ring of cum when worn by npcs.
  • Bookcases and Shallow Graves can no longer be repeated.
  • Bookcases and Shallow Graves now properly obfuscate item name.
  • Viewing the tentacle scene from memory menu no longer increases max cum meter.
  • Enemies should no longer spawn on top of each other.
  • Enemies should no longer spawn on top of chests.
  • Fixed an issue causing flickering walls on water and lava floors.
  • Fixed missing weapon model for equipped weapon after throwing unequipped weapon from inventory into lava.
  • Customization menu will now properly reset outfit on exit.
  • Charmed player now adds correct amount of npcs to cinematics.
  • Memory menu no longer attempts to start a non existing cinematic when pressing the ui action button on a non cinematic index.
  • Sound falloff has been made less severe in cinematics.
  • Throwing a sword on self no longer changes the players faction.
  • Fixed bodyhair using the wrong color on certain outfits.
  • Fixed a bunch of issues with npcs pathing back to their home locations.
  • Unobfuscated rings no longer reveal their itemlevel.
  • Fixed an issue causing the minimap to get cut off when loading saves after a game over.
  • Placement of stairs has been made less prone to failure.
  • Scrolls of enhancements no longer reveal an items obfuscated type.
  • Fixed an issue causing the game to lock up when loading seeds.


HardStuck v0.3 windows.7z 153 MB
12 days ago
HardStuck v0.3 linux.7z 149 MB
12 days ago

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(1 edit)

Will this be compatible with iPad or Tablet someday?

*also, THIS is everything I've ever wanted from a dungeon crawler! Love it!!


The game uses the .net branch of godot which is a bit limited at the moment in regards to export options. I believe it will be possible to export for web soonish though, which should let people play the game on just about anything with a browser.